Autumn/Winter Lawn Care

The clocks go back, the nights get darker earlier, the temperature drops and we all begin to think about Christmas. Lets not forget also that the grass in your lawn is still there and as such needs nurturing through the cold, wet and dark days that Winter fetches. You may think that a couple of treatments in Spring and Summer will suffice, but you are wrong. Grass after all is a plant and as such needs nutrition and the right conditions to grow to its optimum and provide the lush green lawn that you want in Summer.

We tend to forget our lawns during this period as we spend less time outside due to the weather and dark nights. We forget to clear the leaves that have fallen that when decaying smother your lawn, weakening the grass and killing it, allowing space for moss and weeds to grow. With the ever changing environment your grass may still need mowing so don’t neglect it but try to mow it on dry days to help prevent compaction. If your lawn is wet try to stay off it to help prevent compaction.

Cheshire Lawn Doctor has years of experience of treating and looking after lawns. Our annual seasonal treatments have been tried and tested and provide your lawn with the correct nutrients throughout the year for the grass to thrive. Added to this we provide a scarifying and aeration service. Scarifying to remove unwanted thatch and moss and aeration to help relieve compaction, thus preventing thatch and moss. We provide a year round service for looking after your lawn and giving you that lush green space in your garden that will make you the envy of your neighbours.

Look through our website for further details and photos of lawns that we treat.

It’s easy to get in contact. Email or phone/text Ed on 07798718569 and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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