Most lawns will see moss in them at some point. Moss is spread by spores produced by the plant which are blown around. The amount of moss present will depend on a number of factors. It can be unsightly and is the result of poor conditions. By making improvements in your lawn and how healthy it is then moss can be kept at bay or at least to a very minimum.

Moss can be seen where growing conditions are ideal for it or where there is an underlying problem with the soil. Following a period of drought when the lawn becomes thin and allows room for the moss to grow or if the lawn is waterlogged are just two reasons for seeing moss.
On established lawns poor vigour, acidic soil conditions, a lack of feed, insufficient aeration, poor drainage, shade, close mowing and over-use are likely to blame.
Killing and removing the moss is just the beginning of the process. Finding the underlying problem is key to keeping the moss away and also promoting vigorous grass growth to prevent moss from reappearing. Good lawn care is essential to control moss.
There are a few types of moss that will grow in your lawn giving the lawn an uneven colour and also very spongy.
Causes of Moss
Drainage: Poor drainage within your lawn, indicated by constant surface water, is an ideal cause for moss growth. We can help with this by aerating the lawn and also scarifying to remove any thatch present.
Thatch: We can accept a certain level of thatch within our lawns but the problems arise when the thatch layer becomes too thick preventing good surface drainage and keeping hold of the water that moss will thrive on.
Mowing: Cutting your lawn too short will encourage moss growth.
Shade: Shady areas are renowned for moss growth. Poor grass growth in these areas combined with damp conditions is ideal for moss tho thrive in.
Nutrition: Having a strong, healthy sward will help with moss control. Keeping the thatch layer to an acceptable level will prevent wet spots. Moss will compete will grass for space so the stronger the lawn the less chance of moss invasion.
Acidic Soil: Not something we immediately think about when treating moss, but it can be a cause.
The best way to remove moss from your lawn is scarification. This is the mechanical process of raking the moss from the lawn. Moss doesn’t have very deep roots so can be teased from within the grass, which is deeper rooted.
Moss can be treated with moss killer, ferrous sulphate, to kill it. Unfortunately moss will not decompose like a weed when it is treated so will need scarifying out afterwards. A treatment of moss killer pre and post scarifying is advisable to reach all the moss and any spores.
A regular lawn treatment service, feeding, scarifying and aeration, will ensure that your lawn can be moss free and healthy.