Your lawn is the focal point of your garden and needs attention all year round to keep it looking at its best. Regular lawn treatments, including aeration and scarification, will help the grass to grow strong and lush and prevent weeds, pests, moss and disease from making your lawn look unsightly.
Here at Cheshire Lawn Doctor we have years of experience of looking after peoples lawns. Our treatments are designed to benefit your lawn for that particular time of the year and are all tried and tested. Unlike some lawn care businesses we are able to offer bespoke treatments depending on the condition of your lawn, not a one size fits all treatment service.
Lawns need regular mowing and as such require a lawn mower that is not only reliable but also has sharp blades. You should be aiming to be cutting your lawn at least once a week, if not more, during the warmer Spring and Summer months. Regular mowing promotes new growth. Beware of mowing too short as this will scalp the lawn leading to bald patches that will allow weeds and moss to grow.
We are currently finding the weather a lot drier than in previous years. Grass is after all a living plant and requires water, air and light to grow, just like any other plant. If the soil becomes too dry then your grass will begin to suffer, unable to access the nutrients within the soil and turn brown.
Pests can be a problem in lawns, mainly leatherjackets and chafer grubs. Signs to look out for are grass that may be turning brown and/or animals and birds digging at the soil. Control can be difficult as there are no chemicals currently available so cultural and biological control remain the only options.
For further information and a free lawn quote then give Cheshire Lawn Doctor a call.